quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2008


Júlio César Rodrigues

Brazilian, Married, 35 years old
Address: Quero-quero st, 161 – Cond. Colonial Village – Parque Lago Azul
City: Pindamonhangaba - SP - Brazil
Cel : 55(12) 8114-4621
Residential : 55(12) 3645-3794
e-mail : rodriguesjuliocesar@ymail.com - jcrodrigues@provale.com.br

Educational Background

· MBA in Business Administration - Fundação Getúlio Vargas/2007
· Degree in Normalization and Industrial Quality Technology - CEFET MG / 2001


Experience in Industrial Processes, Serial Production and by Demand; Internal and External Logistics; Supplies; Direct and Indirect Cost Management; PCP; Interface with Commercial area; Continuous Improvement; Total Productive Management; Lean Manufacturing; CEP; PDCA; Quality Tools.
Experience in the Quality area, responsible for the implantation of the ISO 9000 and the QS 9000 regarding Equipment Inspection, Measuring and Testing (4.11).
1 year of experience in Production Management as Technical Supervisor in heavy machining and Heat Treatment in Laminated Cylinders (Forged) in Multinational company. Focus on results and clients.
1 year of experience in Management and Control, coordinating Continuous Improvement projects.
4 years of experience as Supervisor of heavy machining of Cylinders for hot rolling (foundry), in charge of a team of 80 collaborators.
4 years of experience in the supervision of a Metrology Laboratory in the automobile and metallurgy industry. In charge of 32 university graduates with direct responsibility for approval of products and processes, as well as the implantation of the ISO 9000 and the QS 9000 (focus on item 4.11)
7 years of experience as a specialized metrologist, working with quality systems ISO 9000 and QS 9000 in the control of instrument standards and calibration. Statistical Analysis of equipment and process capability. (CEP, CM, CMK, MSA)

Professional Experience:

2007-2008 Aços Villares/Sidenor Pindamonhangaba-SP
Technical Supervisor - Production Manager
§ Responsible for the management and results of four productive áreas:
- Machining of Back up Cylinders (18 to 60 tons)
- Heat treatment of Back up Cylinders
- Machining of LTF Cylinders (4 to 12 tons)
- Heat treatment of LTF Cylinders
§ Responsible for cost management, production planning and contact with the commercial, logistic and billing áreas in order to improve services and results, with area supervisors as reports and answering to the Industrial Manager.
§ Worked in internal logistics, reducing the average production lead time in 12% in the Back up Line and 18% in the LTF line.
§ Led improvement groups, reducing the costs of machining inserts and accessories in 22% (measured in R$/ton).
§ Developed the High Performance Teams project together with a multifunctional group in order to increase the Unit’s productivity.
- Appointed to coordenate the change implementation, together with a management committee. For this purpose, participated in the Leadership Transformation Program of Fundação Dom Cabral to develop the implementation of the project.
§ Responsible for the implantation of strategic actions of the Balance Score Card of the company.
§ Fixed and Variable cost management, preparing and managing the annual budget through SAP.
§ Participated in process optimization, using Lean Manufacturing concepts, analyzing and reducing intermediate and finished stocks in 12%
Coordinated an increase in material efficiency project, concentrating on the decrease of excess metal, generating reduction in costs and reworking.
§ Responsible for the installation of new machinery in the expansion of the business.
2006-2007 Aços Villares/Sidenor Pindamonhangaba-SP
Coordinator of Continuous Improvement Projects

§ Coordinated the development of the Villares Management System, together with the management committee.
§ Made the Unit productivity management: measured in tons/homen* year
- Emission and analysis of productivity graphs of the areas, directed to performance re-establishment or improvement. During this period the unit increased productivity in 6%.
§ Implanted the Autonomous Maintenance Pillar of the TPM. Implantation in the Forged area as a pilot: Increase of OEE from 43% to 55% in 12 months. Extended to the Foundry, Machining and heat treatment areas.
§ Coordination and Development of continuous improvement and cost reduction projects, supporting groups in the productive áreas of Casting, Forging, Heat Treatment and Cylinder Machining, using the PDCA and SDCA , in conjunction with the consulting firm INDG (Institute of Managerial Development)
2002-2006 Aços Villares/Sidenor Pindamonhangaba-SP
Machining Supervisor
§ People Management
- Management of 80 direct collaborators in productive, personnel and development aspects.
§ Responsible for the increase in production in the Unit’s main product line, laminated cast cylinders of more than 4 tons;
- Went from a production of 10,566 ton/year in 2002 to 17,148 ton/year in 2004 (62%)
§ Coordinated a Project as a Green Belt of the Six Sigma program in the company
- Increased the performance index from 65% to 85% in the bottleneck equipment of the line, creating an increase of 11% in production.
§ Implementation of a point evaluation system for collaborators, with the object of making the relationship company/employee transparent.

2002–2002 Aços Villares/Sidenor Pindamonhangaba-SP
Metrology Supervisor
§ Coordenation of the team in:
- Development of operational procedures and standards;
- Studies of Analysis of Measuring Systems (MSA);
- Control and Calibration services.

1998-2002 Fiat Automóveis s.a./FA Powertrain Betim-MG
Foreman in Metrology Laboratory
§ Participation in the implantation process of Quality Systems - ISO 9000 and QS 9000 (Emphasis 4.11)
§ Participation in the Knowledge Management program as an instructor in metrology training (Systemic and process)
§ Responsible for the implementation of “MSA” in the company
§ Realization of benchmarking for the development of internal methods of calibration in inspection, measuring and test equipment.
1991–1998 Fiat Automóveis s.a Betim-MG
Metrologist/Specialized Metrologist
§ Calibration of inspection, measuring and testing equipment;
§ Development of statistical analysis on processes - CM and CMK, and CEP auditing.
§ Coordination of groups for the application of quality methodologies - CCQ, CEDAC, Improvement groups


· Advanced English


§ Six Sigma - Green Belt;
§ Lean Manufacturing
§ Transformation Leadership - Dom Cabral Foundation
§ Project Management
§ Autonomous Maintenance
§ PQT (Total Quality Plan)
§ Methodologies and Quality Tools
§ ISO 9002, QS 9000;
§ Effective Communication
§ Formation of “Those who Form”

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Eudison de Paula Leal disse...

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